Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sweet Sleep!!

Last night Jack Griffin gave his mother the greatest gift in the world...6 consecutive hours of sleep!  He went to bed at 11pm and slept until 5am!  This was a minor miracle at our house considering that two weeks ago he was up screaming for two and three hours in the middle of the night.  This sleep miracle was not accomplished by Jack on his own; we owe thanks to many people for this.  First, we must thank the nurses at our pediatrican's office who have helped us immensely.  Jack has developed a little reflux and our sweet nurses have helped us diagnose his problem, given me amazing new mommy advice, and ultimately given us a prescription for reflux medicine, which has really helped settle Jack's tummy calm his reflux.  We also owe thanks to Maria Pappas who gave us a "Nap Nanny" at my baby shower in Houston and it has done wonders for Jack's sleep!  The Nap Nanny is an inclined sleep positioner and it helps Jack sleep after his late night and middle of the night feedings because sleeping flat on his back really intensifies his reflux.  We are also thankful for our ultimate swaddle blanket...Garrett swaddled Jack so tightly last night that he was a little burrito and he couldn't flail his arms and wake himself up.  Ultimately, though, I must thank Jack for his amazing ability to sleep for 6 hours at 4 and a half weeks old.  I'm praying that it happens again tonight (and every night after that!), but if I've learned anything about life with a newborn it's that things are unpredictable and ever-changing, so I'm sure I'll be up in the middle of the night tonight!
Jack asleep in his Nap Nanny...check out those chubby cheeks!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

4 Weeks Old!

Garrett started the Griffin family blog the week we brought Jack home from the hospital in hopes that we could use it as a way to share what's going on with Jack with our family and friends who we don't get to see all the time.  I agreed that it's a great way to share and promised that I would be a diligent blog poster, but it's taken me four weeks to actually sit down and write an update on our life with our newest little family member.  Now that I am pretty fully recovered from my c-section, Jack is letting me sleep for more than two hours a night, and we are figuring out a little routine, I am promising to be a faithful updater of the Griffin blog. 

I can't believe that Jack Griffin has been in the world for four weeks now...the official one month celebration of his birth isn't until Monday, September 27th, but it was four weeks ago yesterday that Jack was taken out of my belly and became the newest member of our little family.  We've done a lot of adjusting over the past month, and I'm slowly but surely getting used to life as a stay at home mom.  I now live with spit up or poop on me all the time and "getting dressed" means putting on a t-shirt, leggings, and running shoes.  Although I'm not looking too pretty these days, I love taking care of our precious boy and I really can't believe how much he has already grown and changed.  Jack has been working on holding his head up, turning it from side to side when he's laying on his belly, keeping eye contact, and following a light or object with his eyes.  Of course we think he's a genius, and we're anxiously awaiting his first "real" smile (as opposed to a gassy smile or smile while he's asleep). 

Jack has officially outgrown several of his 0-3 month clothes, and he never did fit into any newborn clothes, and I'm already sad to put away some of his tiny little clothes.  He never was a really tiny guy though, and he weighed 10 pounds, 8 ounces at his 2 week check up. We can't wait to see how much he's gained when we go for his one month check up next week.  For now we're still eating, sleeping, pooping, and curiously looking at the world around us...Jack is a pretty relaxed little guy (most of the time), and I continue to praise God for His goodness to us in the miracle of our son.

Our little family (minus Lucky!) 
Jack is wearing one of my favorite Kissy Kissy outfits that Honey and Big John gave him and I'm so sad that it is officially too small!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jackson Cameron Griffin is born.

And so is a blog.  Jackson was born at 11:53 am on Friday, August 27, 2010.  He weighed 9 lbs, 9 oz and was 21" long.  He has a full head of black hair.

We've been home for three days now and everyone is doing great.  Jack's favorite activities include sleeping, eating, burping, and pooping.  Thanks to everyone for your prayers, support, phone calls, emails, hospital visits, and meals.  Thought I'd share some pictures from the past week.  Enjoy!