Sunday, December 26, 2010

Some Christmas Pics!

We have had so much fun during this Christmas season and here are a few pictures of some of our Christmas fun!  We spent Christmas eve and day in Katy with Pops, Gigi, and Uncle Dallas, and now off to Colorado to hang out with the Lisenbys!  More Christmas pictures to come...

 Thanks, Honey, for all your hard work making my amazing Christmas stocking!

 Thanks, Gigi and Pops for my cute Christmas pajamas!  

 We went to the mall with some of Jack's friends and their moms to try to see Santa....we are obviously all first time moms because we didn't know that you have to get a number to see Santa 4 hours before you actually see him!  So we gave up on seeing Santa and strolled around the mall with our friends.  Jack was pretty tired at the end of it all...this is his "about to fall asleep blank stare."

 Five little boys all born within one year of each other! (James Campbell would make six little boys and we can't wait for him to move back to Dallas).   We are excited for our play group to officially start with these guys in January!

Cute boy by the tree!  I love this little Christmas outfit because you can see Jack's chubby little legs:)

I was trying to get him to smile, but he was just too fascinated by the toy I was holding.

 Photo with Santa success!  After learning that Northpark was not the ideal place to see Santa, an experienced mom let me in on the secret of visiting Santa at the Neiman Marcus in downtown Dallas.  We only had to wait for a few minutes and we actually got a smiling picture! 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jack's Favorite Things!

Jack is a really happy and relaxed baby.  We are moving past the reflux issues, so we no longer have feedings that are an all out battle, and he's been sleeping for 11-12 hours at night since he was about 8 weeks old.  He is now 16.5 weeks old, and I just can't believe how time flies.  Here are a few of Jack's favorite things:

1. This kiddo loves to suck his thumb.  When he lays down for a nap or bed time, he turns his head from side to side, fusses a little, then the thumb goes in the mouth and he's instantly soothed.  I never thought I'd be so happy to have a thumb sucking baby!

2. Jack absolutely loves to sleep!  He sleeps for 11-12 hours every night, and we usually have to wake him up in the morning.  Garrett always gets him up, gives him his reflux medicine, and changes his diaper and then I feed him about 30 minutes later to give his medicine some time to settle.  He always wakes up as happy as can be, giggling and smiling.  Garrett and I love to sleep, so we are thankful that God gave us a baby who loves to sleep as much as we do!

3.  One of our new favorite things is the toy, "Sophie the giraffe."  Jack loves this thing because he can hold it in his hands really well and he likes to put Sophie's feet and ears in his mouth.  I know, it looks like a doggie chew toy, but Jack loves it!  And Sophie originated in France, so we're exposing Jack to a variety of cultural experiences:)

 4.  Tummy time!  Jack absolutely loves being on his tummy.  He pushes up with his arms and loves looking all around and he loves being on his tummy because he can easily suck his thumb!  Jack has rolled a few times from his tummy to his back and lately he's been pulling his knees up under him to scoot his little body while he's on his tummy.  Sometimes he puts his face down on his play mat and wiggles his arms and legs all at's like he's trying to swim.  It's hilarious.

5.  Jack Griffin loves the sound of his own voice.  Maybe that means he'll be a talker like his mommy or maybe he'll be able to sing like his daddy.  Either way this kiddo could be happy listening to himself make noise all day long.  Garrett and I crack up listening to his constant noise making while he looks out of the window in the car.  It's like he knows there's a conversation going on in the front seat and he wants to be a part of it.  I love it and I can't wait until his sounds make words and he can tell me what is going on inside of that precious little head.  A video or sound clip coming soon...

These are just a few of Jack's favorite things, and I'm sure they will change as he gets bigger....One more of his favorite things to do is eat (as you can tell by the fat rolls all over his body and his weight in the 96th percentile), but I'll spare the blog world of any details about my child's love of breast milk!  And obviously on the top of Jack's favorite list are his parents who love and adore him! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life Lately

I haven't been such a dedicated blogger lately, so I thought I'd  update with some pics of our little man!  He's growing and changing every day and we are having so much fun with him.  These days Jack loves hearing the sound of his voice and he squeals, coos, and "talks" to us all the time.  He is still a little thumb sucker, and he is always putting his thumbs, fingers, toys, and anything he can get his hands on into his mouth.  The Baby Einstein play mat is still one of Jack's favorite things, and he is reaching and grabbing his toys, and he loves laying on his tummy and pushing up to look around.  He's rolled over a few times, but isn't really interested in rolling too much.  We love seeing how much he loves taking in the world around him! 

 Jack loves riding in the MacLaren stroller because he can check everything out around him!

 We are losing hair by the day...this picture was a few weeks ago, and he's lost so much more of his baby hair since then.

 My little hunk of love! (I did not prop his arm like that...he did that on his own.  Just a little relaxation time in the chair.)

 "Mom I can't decide which thumb to suck..."

 "So I think I'll just try to get them both in my mouth at once..."

 "Mmmm, that's nice...I love sucking both thumbs at the same time!"

Cutie pie!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Our Talented Dog

My blog postings have been primarily focused on our sweet baby Jack, so I thought I would share the talents of Lucky the dog, who has gotten a little less attention around the Griffin house since Jack has been on the scene.  Lucky has been incredibly sweet around Jack and he's a great walking companion with the stroller.  We really have been pleasantly surprised by how well our very spirited dog has adjusted to having a baby around.  Garrett has been trying to give Lucky a little extra love by playing with him in the back yard and throwing the ball around and he discovered Lucky's athletic talents....see the video below!