Jack has lots of little friends around his age but none closer than Bella LaPine, who is just a week and a half younger. Bella's parents, Matt and Molly, are in our small group and we have loved sharing the adventure of being new parents with them. Jack and Bella play together at least once a week and they are hilarious together. Bella LOVES watching Jack and she just cracks up and smiles at him all the time, whereas Jack is not super interested in her...he just wants to play and explore. She's a social female and he's a determined, one track mind (always focused on toys and moving) male. He is all boy and she is all girl and we love watching them learn and play.
I just saw this post! I love it! I was telling Matt last night all about their pool adventure-what a super fun idea and I think they really enjoyed it:) Lots of fun times ahead.