crawling, moving, rolling, standing
standing at the window and watching the world go by
dogs...he cracks up at them
the bath tub (he got sick of his baby tub and loves baths in the big tub)
drinking out of a sippy cup with a straw
peas, carrots, applesauce, pears, yo baby yogurt, sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas, baby mum mums, puffs!
playing peek a boo
looking at touch and feel books
swinging in the front yard
putting anything and everything into his mouth
standing up and bouncing on the bed or the couch
"talking" (saying dadada, goo, gaa, mumumuh, buh)
Being still or confined (like in his carseat or the high chair for too long)
Getting his diaper changed
green beans and squash
Being redirected when he really wants something (he gets pretty mad when we don't let him play with a lamp cord or we don't let him crawl in the fire place or when we don't let him eat sticks and dirt outside)
Being held too much, he'd rather be on the floor playing and exploring
I can't really think of many other things he dislikes and we laugh because most of the things he doesn't like involve not being able to move or play or having to be still! Our little boy is keeping us on our toes and I am definitely pretty tired by the end of the day after chasing him around, but we wouldn't have it any other way! Jack Griffin, we love you!
So happy to be standing up in the bath tub! (nervous mommy was holding tight..I'm afraid this slippery little guy is going to fall in the tub!)
crawling, moving, rolling, standing
standing at the window and watching the world go by
dogs...he cracks up at them
the bath tub (he got sick of his baby tub and loves baths in the big tub)
drinking out of a sippy cup with a straw
peas, carrots, applesauce, pears, yo baby yogurt, sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas, baby mum mums, puffs!
playing peek a boo
looking at touch and feel books
swinging in the front yard
putting anything and everything into his mouth
standing up and bouncing on the bed or the couch
"talking" (saying dadada, goo, gaa, mumumuh, buh)
Being still or confined (like in his carseat or the high chair for too long)
Getting his diaper changed
green beans and squash
Being redirected when he really wants something (he gets pretty mad when we don't let him play with a lamp cord or we don't let him crawl in the fire place or when we don't let him eat sticks and dirt outside)
Being held too much, he'd rather be on the floor playing and exploring
I can't really think of many other things he dislikes and we laugh because most of the things he doesn't like involve not being able to move or play or having to be still! Our little boy is keeping us on our toes and I am definitely pretty tired by the end of the day after chasing him around, but we wouldn't have it any other way! Jack Griffin, we love you!
So happy to be standing up in the bath tub! (nervous mommy was holding tight..I'm afraid this slippery little guy is going to fall in the tub!)