Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trip to Houston

A couple of weeks ago, Jack and I took a little trip to Houston to visit my family and see some friends we haven't seen in a while! It was so fun to be at my parent's house and not have to worry about cooking and cleaning and all the other things that come with being a stay at home mom. We just relaxed and had fun! (we did miss Garrett SO much and we were so happy to come back home to our amazing daddy and husband) There were so many great pics from our visit, but here are a some of our faves...

Trying to grab his great grandfather, Tom Tom's glasses off his face!

Jack with great grand parents, Big Roy and Elsa

I love how the great grandparents are just watching him! They loved seeing our busy boy!

Jack loved taking his baths in Honey and Big John's big kitchen sink!

Sweet Aunt Jessica loves Jack so much!

Playing on the kitchen floor with Honey's kitchen tools...why do we buy him toys when he's so happy with a few measuring cups and a wooden spoon?! (I think I got spanked with that same wooden spoon about 25 years ago!)

SO fun to crawl and explore!

Just a little downward dog on the kitchen table...

What was Honey thinking letting him sit on the table?! He went straight for her decorative little birds

Honey is so fun!

Just hanging out on the patio with Big John

One TIRED little boy....he had so much fun but he ran a fever this day and the next. He was getting ready to cut his top two front teeth that poked through about a week later!

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